New Gabi video
Hi everybody, it's me Gabi. I figured everybody was wondering how I've been doing so I figured I'd post you all a little message. I went to the doctor on Thursday and he gave me 4 shots. They hurt so bad, but I got over it very quickly because I'm a tough girl. The also told me that I'm 23 1/2 inches and 11 lbs 12 ozs. I've gained 5 pounds since I was born isn't everyone so proud of me. I also play with my toys with mommy and daddy, so I posted a video for everyone to see. Well I have to go, but I can't wait to see everybody. My new rule is, if you don't post a comment for me then you don't get to hold me. So hurry up and post those comments. Bye everybody, I'll talk to you soon.
At September 7, 2007 at 11:33 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Gabi,
Grandma here! We're so proud of you. You're getting so big. And I'm glad you're a tough girl, cause Mommy is a wimp (she cried more than you when you got your shots!). I can hold you now because I wrote a comment.
Well, we'll see you real soon. Love you and miss you. Love, Grandma
At September 12, 2007 at 9:56 AM ,
Anonymous said...
hi gabi,
you are getting to be such a big girl. we love you . nana and pappa
soon it will be your christening.
love nana
At September 15, 2007 at 11:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Now that you're able to hold stuff, I can get you all sorts of loud, fun little toys!!! Just remember that mommy and daddy LOVE when you make lots of noise playing with your toys. :-) AND I posted 2 comments so I get to hold you twice!!! I'm so proud of what a good girl you are! I love you!
Auntie Mandi
At October 1, 2007 at 11:30 PM ,
Melanie Smith said...
Hi Heather (and Gabi and family) - this is Dana's friend Melanie. I love the videos! How do you do them? They come out so clear. Can I ask if you load them from your video camera. Is loading video a function of blogger. Sorry for the technical questions, but I'm very interested in doing something like this when my little one arrives. Thanks! Melanie
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