Birthday in Long Island!!

Well, sorry it took so long to post. But, I have been very busy lately and on top of it all, I am sick. I had 103 degree temp the other day and will not give my mommy or daddy a break because I still don't feel very good. Mommy and Daddy are taking very good care of me though. Anyways, my party in Long Island was great. I got so many presents. Thank you Olli and Omli for having a great birthday party for me. My cake was amazing. Steve made it!!! Thank you so much for giving me the most beautiful cake ever. It made my mommy really happy. I posted pictures of the party(and some with me and Pop) to the right. I had so much fun with him. The girl helping me with my presents was Alison. Thank you for being such a big helper. And congratulations to Holly and Danielle, who are both having babies as well as my mommy. I can't wait to have friends in Long Island to play with. Well talk to you all later. Love you and Thank you.